China Plastic injection moulding manufacturer - China Supplier
China Plastic injection moulding manufacturer - China Supplier China Plastic injection moulding manufacturer - China Supplier China Plastic injection moulding manufacturer - China Supplier China Plastic injection moulding manufacturer - China Supplier

Plastic injection moulding manufacturer

Industry Category: Electronic-Components-Supplies/Electronic-Accessories-Supplies/Other-Electronic-Accessories
Product Category:
Brand: Grandshine
Spec: Depend on the client's required

Contact Info
  • Add:5th Floor,Block 6,Concept Incubate Space,JinLong Mid Blvd,ShangTang,LongHua,, Zip: 518110
  • Contact: Kaiwin
  • Tel:13316958600

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Additional Information

we are specialized in product design and mould struture design,we have application patents

☆ what do we design

 1)product design:a)Clients provide the product they need and manufacturer design the mold for approval    
                              b) Client provide the product idea and manufacturer design the mold for approval
                              c) Manufacturer design some molds to client for selection according the  plastic injection                                 

 2),structure design: product 3D drawing design and mold 3D drawing design.

☆ How to design:

As a specialized mold development and design team ,we will consider many problems when design the mold, such as:
1) The mold structure need to meet the actual size of the product
2)The structure of the mold should be convenient for product manufacturing
3) The structure of the mold should be   convenient for assembling
4) The structure of the mold should be convenient for mould adjustment
5) The structure of the mold should be ensure the quality for product

6) Appearance of product: According to the product view requirements to determine the parting surface  
7) manufacturing cost:According to the size of each machine to determine the product mode placement and the number of holes, the          
       more  product we get one time, the lower the cost it is

Industry Category Electronic-Components-Supplies/Electronic-Accessories-Supplies/Other-Electronic-Accessories
Product Category
Brand: Grandshine
Spec: Depend on the client's required
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